General Category > R Series

Lamba and Closed Loop Control

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Hi, My 2001 1150GS is running sweet and fuel consumption is about the same, but idle has probably not been as smooth as it used to be.
I hooked up my recently purchased GS-911 and no fault logged - which is good news, however, when monitoring lamba voltage it is "flat-lining" and in the realtime data list the Lamba closed loop control is shown as OFF - this is true with engine cool and also when fully warmed up with a road run and engine temp showing 90 degrees.
Any suggestions - is lamba likely to be ok but system not switching into "closed loop control" - why?


Two things - idle. Have the throttle bodies been balanced decently? Re. idle issues.

Re. Lambda - is it using an original exhaust system? Aftermarket? And this may sound lame, but does the bike currently have a lambda sensor on the exhaust?

On my R1100S lambda closed loop does kick in when the engine reaches abaout 70° Celsius...even during idle...

Hi, thanks for replies,
Bike is running a cat with lambda fitted.
 I also posted this on UKGSER so rather than repeat everything again here is a link:-
Following info from there I did manage to get it into closed loop around 2500 rpm on steady throttle and once there lambda looks to be working perfectly
I think part of my problem was I now had a GS-911 and had loads of info at my fingertips - but,as we know, loads of info is no use unless you know how to interpret it and at that point I didn't have a clear understanding how open/close loop was meant to work! I found a interesting web-site which helped clear things up for me - here's a link just in case it's of interest to others:-
I changed the LH throttle body today and did a full TPS and balance set-up and running very nicely!


Good stuff. See you at Johnshaven... :-D


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