General Category > K Series

K1200 LT Integral brake system

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Hi I have a K1200 LT with a fault that has been diagnosed using my newly acquired GS 911 it shows an ABS fault code 17438 it suggests that I might have air in the rear brake circuit, am I correct in thinking that a brake modulator bleed can be carried out using the GS 911. I never noticed that I could when I had it connected, could someone point me in the right direction please.
Thanks Bren

Will need to know a little more.

Post an Autoscan.

What model is your LT?

Servo assisted ABS or iABSII?

Hi thanks for your response I won't be able to send an autoscan until Monday, the LT is an 05 with integral brakes power brakes it's the later type with the brake modulator reservoirs mounted on the servo unit on the left hand side of the bike. Thanks for your interest Bren

hi ive just nipped up to the garage and got the autoscan data, i thought it would be harder to do than it was. :)

thanks Bren

You cannot bleed the brake modulator circuit with the GS911. You can only do a bleed test that will show you if there is air or a slow leak in the brake system, for example a leaking hose or fitting, or a failing master cylinder. There is a specific procedure to bleed the brakes, both the wheel circuit and the control circuits. If you do a web search you'll find several links to forums that contain detailed instructions on how to bleed the iABS system.


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