Author Topic: Fault code 24048 - power supply to pump motor faulty  (Read 18233 times)


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Fault code 24048 - power supply to pump motor faulty
« on: February 06, 2014, 09:47:20 PM »
I have an early 2008 R1200GSA - which has the fault codes 24048 and 24049 - power to pump motor faulty.
I found this out after I plugged in my new GS911.
After searching elsewhere on the internet I found a rather good Youtube clip on how a guy had serviced his electric motor on the ABS unit.

While I believe I have the capability and tools to undertake such a repair - I didn't want to rush into it. I guess I was still cautious about ripping everything apart to find out the problem was something simple which had ended up with a misleading fault code.

So I did a simple test which might help others in the same situation.

If you remove the small plastic panel on the left of your tank - it just clips off - no tools required - you can see the electric motor on the back of the ABS module. Refer to above youtube video if in doubt.

I then took apiece of straight wood about an inch in diameter and my hammer and just gave the side of the electric motor a few taps - enough to dislodge a potentially sticking brush.

I then turned on the ignition and the ABS light was flashing instead of staying on without flashing. I rode the bike around the block, the ABS initialised and the ABS light went out. I rode home applied the brakes and the ABS failed. I repeated the process and then used the GS911 to confirm the fault codes were gone - they were - but of course as soon as I used the bike the fault reoccurred.

I now feel confident that the GS911 assessment is correct and in no way misleading and I will pull out the module and attempt to repair the sticking brushes.



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Re: Fault code 24048 - power supply to pump motor faulty
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2014, 11:37:18 PM »
Update on the R1200gs ABS failure.

I dismantled the electric motor on the back of the pump and the brushes were just fine, no binding.

I took the armature to a local electric motor specialist and they confirmed I had circuits which were shorted out - armature stuffed and it seems no likelihood of having the armature rewound.

So I have bit the bullet and ordered a new ABS module - ouch well over $2000 Australian.

The situation I find myself in now is trying to determine why the armature failed - did the pump become so corroded that the motor overheated and burnt out or is the wiring insulation so poor that it has found a small earth and then gradually shorted out completely.

The pump is not easy to dismantle, so have not worked out if that is where the problem started.

I have bled the brakes a number of times since buying the bike new, but have never used any special technique, to allow for this ABS pump - so maybe I have caused the failure -



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Re: Fault code 24048 - power supply to pump motor faulty
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2014, 01:04:40 AM »
Just to update with some photos for those who would be helped by a visual.

Image showing the pins that have in my estimation caused the electric motor to fail. Front stiff and rear seized.