General Category > GS-911

Calibración ESA, K1600GT 2020


Con el GS911 he intentado calibrar el ESA en la k1600gt pero no puedo.
Me pone que botón RUM desconectado,  o que quizás el propio amortiguador no esté conectado.
Mi opinión es que el GS911 tiene la opción de calibrar pero no va correctamente.
Un saludo.


--- Quote ---Hello.
I have tried to calibrate the ESA on the k1600gt with the GS911 but I can't.
It tells me that the RUM button is disconnected, or that perhaps the shock absorber itself is not connected.
My opinion is that the GS911 has the calibration option but it doesn't work correctly.
--- End quote ---

that's interesting info - my 2019 doesn't connect to the module - there was a change post model Year 2016 - bikes with semi active suspension use a different module and my understanding was its not yet supported by the GS911 ?

2025 tool update not brings normal functionality when you go via the module - from detected vehicle - apparently one could get at the module via autoscan list, I never tried, so not sure if it worked that way or not


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