Author Topic: 0x3A1545 Cruise Control, Release Denied  (Read 4243 times)

Nigel Kilduff

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0x3A1545 Cruise Control, Release Denied
« on: November 22, 2024, 10:16:47 PM »
I have a 2017 S1000XR and having the above issue.
Got all the details from the Portal, but I would be greatful if anyone has any advice!

I have ruled out the clutch switches - both are showing as not operated - with that being said they actually dont even show as operated when you either bridge them or pull the clutch lever.

Tested the cruise control on/off switch and this is working.

Have performed the throttle reset

I am having errors about the exhaust servo motor, as there is a fully bypass system on the bike, wiating on a servobuddy to come - dont think this is linked.

Anybody any experience with this fault?