Author Topic: IAC calibration procedure  (Read 8311 times)


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IAC calibration procedure
« on: June 24, 2024, 09:24:15 PM »
Hi there,

After having a successful outcome following calibrating the ESA II on my 2010 K1300GT I’m keen to try an Idle Actuator Calibration.

I don’t really have any issues, the bike starts on the button every time, idles smoothly (seems faster on a cold start but settles back when warm) and doesn’t cut out or stall but it seems to be idling faster than it did last year and occasionally seems to hold slightly high before returning to normal when coming to a stop.

I seem to have enough free play on the throttle cables as turning the bars from lock-to-lock has no effect whatsoever on tickover.

If it’s as easy as ESA calibration then I’m keen to give it a go but just checking on the proper procedure before I dive headlong into it.

Should the bike be up to normal operating temperature before carrying out the calibration?

Should I run it afterwards until the cooling fan comes on and if so how long for?

Anything else I need to be doing/checking/ and any other hints/tips/advice please?

Thanks & kind regards,


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Re: IAC calibration procedure
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2024, 10:51:41 PM »
its just runs the idle stepper motors back and forth and parks them somewhere it thinks is a good idea - do as often at u like whenever you like - hot cold or whatever