Phone: Sony Xperia Go (ST27i)
Android version: 4.1.2
Problem: The phone lists the GS-911 number and ask for a pin. It then ends up in the list of paired devices. When trying the test option in the GS-911 app, it asks for the pin once or twice (I guess it depends on how quick I am?) and then gives me the terrible message: Error - Failed to retrieve information: Service discovery failed
When going back to the BT settings, the GS-911 is back in the available list but is never able to pair.
Following a phone reboot, it is again listed as paired. This time when trying to connect, the message is different: Error - Failed to retrieve information: Connection refused
The LED never turns blue on the GS-911, even when obviously in some way communicating, but maybe it only becomes blue when really paired?
BT in phone works with a headset and in my car.
My world is falling apart...please help...

Do anyone have any experience or tips on what to change or try?