Hi there,
First time I have plugged into my ezCAN since last year and see there is a software update from the installed 23.06.6 to 2402.4 so clicked on the Download 2402.4 to update.
A brief popup of the downloading window then BOOM! up pops another window saying 'Could not download new software. Please check your internet connection and try again.'
Weird as I can see my emails coming in so I know I am connected but to humour the app I opened Edge, typed in bbc.co.uk and BOOM! there I am looking at todays news so it reaffirms I have a live internet connection.
OK so quit the ezCAN app and run it again. Same problem. It seems to think I am not connected to the internet when of course I am.
What is going on here and how do I resolve this issue please?
Hang on...just have to Google how many cylinders the F800GS runs on before I can post!

Thanks & kind regards,