Hi Cowasaki
Thanks for the details provided, before getting to the ezBUS details, is there a specific reason you have all the relays installed along with the ezCAN? Keep in mind, the ezCAN is in essence a smart relay and switch device, which uses electronic fuses and reading CAN data to control accessories, thus, no need to have the standard relays still installed, as this may cause odd behaviour.
Then, the ezBUS release is something that's been pending for the last few years, and as a result of
numerous things, has been delayed quite some time. We've got quite a string of devices that's in line to come out next, but our first release has been with one of our affiliates, AdMore. The AdMore ezLINK is effectively the first smart, compatible LIN device that's built by ourselves to utilise 1 output for 4 different functions:
https://admorelighting.com/product/admore-ezlink/There are some more affiliate related releases planned in the near future, as well as some generic additions that we're planning to release, so I'd suggest staying tuned into our newsletter for new releases that reveal the detail I cannot yet...

Kind regards