General Category > GS-911

22 R1250 GSA Alarm Tone does not work anymore!

<< < (3/5) > >>

GS Jim:
A lot of people get confused on how this is presented. If you look at the picture attached you will see that the tilt sensor is highlighted so available for modification, it is checked so that means it is ON, the OFF at the end means that if you "click" (push wheel to right) that is what you will get not what you have.

Need access rights

GS Jim:
I can never get the attachment function to work on this site GRRRR. Try this maybe

Did we get a solution I have the exact same problem

I had a problem with my newly received GS911 disabling the alarm on my R1250GS. Fortunately, before making any change the GS911 creates an automatic restore file. I simply did a restore to the earliest created file and got the alarm functioning again. The alarm page definitely needs some work from Hex. It's a trap.


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