Author Topic: Help please-Possible fuel pump/controller problem  (Read 11624 times)


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Help please-Possible fuel pump/controller problem
« on: April 17, 2023, 12:49:08 AM »
Hi all, I need a little guidance with a problem on my 2018 GSA from this past Saturday. The Bike has 8886 miles on it and is kept in an enclosed garage. I've ridden it a few times over the winter just enough the keep the battery charged. Took it out yesterday to fuel it up and ride a little getting ready for the season. I always run ethanol free fuel and usually premium (just because most places around me only offer non-ethanol in premium).

So I had ridden for about an hour with no issues whatsoever when I rolled up to a stop and the the engine just quit. Wouldn't restart. I pushed the bike into a nearby parking lot and tried a few more times. It would try to catch but when I gave it throttle it would just die. I shut everything down and waited about 10 minutes debating on my next move. Tried again and it started and seemed to run like normal. Made it the 1o miles home.

Today I put the GS911 on it and started it up. Seemed to run fine while I was scanning and showed the error code below

Fault Code Value : 0x3A1102
Fault Code Meaning : Electric fuel pump overload protection, overcurrent
urrently present : YES
Engine warning light (MIL) : YES
Frequency count : 8
Logistic (Healing) count : 40
Fault Code History :
Record number : 1
Odometer : 14289.0 km
Absolute Time : 9424106
SAE Code : 0
Fuel pump voltage : 0.59 V
Battery voltage : 14.21 V
Fuel pump current : 11.57 A
Fuel pressure : 1735 mBar
Record number : 2
Odometer : 14290.0 km
Absolute Time : 16777215
SAE Code : 0
Fuel pump voltage : 0.01 V
Battery voltage : 12.14 V
Fuel pump current : 14.31 A
Fuel pressure : 977 mBar
Record number : 3
Odometer : 14308.0 km
Absolute Time : 9496458
SAE Code : 0
Fuel pump voltage : 7.21 V
Battery voltage : 11.66 V
Fuel pump current : 14.31 A
Fuel pressure : 1735 mBar

While idling, it started running rough and eventually died again and the code showed as present. I could wait for a few minutes, start it again, and it would run for a little while until the code showed up again.

Is this necessarily indicative of fuel pump/controller failure or can it be something else (fuel filter, clogged injectors, etc.)? Is there a way to test the pump and controller? What should the fuel pump current be?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Help please-Possible fuel pump/controller problem
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2023, 06:14:58 AM »
The pump and the filter on your bike and the other models that share them are a known issue.

The pump is either seizing or its being overworked due to a plugged filter. Thus the overcurrent situation which may come and go.

The dealer will tell you to replace both. BMW only sells an entire assembly that is very pricey.

Both the pump and the filter can be replaced with less expensive aftermarket parts.

The pump will likely be a BOSCH 40 47024 21609 9. The part number will be on it. There are substitutes.

The filter will likely be a Mahle KL 315.

Hey BMW: No service manual = no new bike.