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Hand brake and foot brake labels backward

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I'm repairing a 2006 RT with a bad iABS unit and when I look at the real-time values the hand brake affects the foot brake value and vice versa. This happened with two different ABS units. Anyone else seeing this? This is with the new GS911 Diagnostics software V2207.2.

I suspect it's a simple coding glitch but if it helps me understand the bike's problem (which I'm pretty sure is a bad transducer), great!

I will connect an iABS tomorrow and document the readings. I hope this helps you with troubleshooting 8)


I checked the readings for the hand and foot brake functions. All works as it should. There is no reaction from the foot brake
when the hand brake is pressed and vice versa.

Yes. I understand what you mean. I have just purchased the GS911 to help me with an ABS Failure issue on my 2005 1200GS. I have the common issue of only residual pressure braking on rear while the front servo/ABS works fine. My fault is showing as excessive brake fluid pressure in rear wheel circuit. However, stay on thread... when I run through the tests for front brake lever and rear foot brake pedal actuation, the Diagnostics shows the reverse result. When I actuate the front lever, it shows as rear brake activated...and vice versa. Not really an issue as the bike is clearly OK and the Diagnostic readout is wrong.
If I can't fix my ABS/Servo issue, I'll be back on another thread to seek advice.

GregM: BS detector is ringing loudly so can you please let us know where you gleamed this "adaptive strategy" information? I would like to know exactly what sensors are read by the ABS module using this "strategy" and what parameters of the servo/integrated ABS brake system is adapted as a result?
Also...getting back to the thread of this does what you describe relate to the fact that the operation of the front hand brake lever shows a live response of increasing pressure in the rear control and wheel circuits ONLY...and vice versa for operation of the rear foot brake lever?

This topic has been raised a few times in the last few years without any adequate response from HexCode. I have contacted Support directly on this and have yet to receive any response. Granted it doesn't affect the operation of the motorcycle and appears to be a GS911 software glitch, however I thought that HexCode would be interested in investigating and correcting such an issue.
Regards & Merry Christmas.


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