General Category > ABS related issues
ABS - Pressure sensor, control circuit
Hi Ruan,
Just to close this one off......
The replacement ABS Pump / Valve Block / ECU unit arrived yesterday. I removed just the ECU and swapped it out with the ECU on my K1600 and the error message cleared. Under 'Real-time Values' both front and rear Pressure Control Circuits came up with around 6.7 PSI. Before, the Front Control Circuit was reading 0.0 PSI and never changed. So the ECU fixed the problem.
By changing just the ECU I did not need to remove the pump assembly from the bike and so avoided having to drain, refill and bleed the fluid etc. Once the side panel was off there was just enough room to undo the four ECU securing screws and remove it from the pump.
Thanks again for your help,
Best Regards,
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