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Adapter for 10 pin yellow GS911


dub 24:
Hey folks
Can anybody point me in the right direction to get an adapter for a 1st generation 10 pin GS911( yellow no wifi ) to fit the newer rectangular plug on more recent bikes. All I can see are ones apparently for the wifi model. .
I want to help a mate with a 2016.  GS 1200 sort out some issues.
Many thanks
Dun 24

The older yellow GS011 only has K-Line diags, newer bikes have CAN-Diag which is a different protocol on different pins in the socket, the red GS911 WiFi has both K-Line & CAN-Diag capability, check the Function Chart to see which is needed for the 2016 GS1200

dub 24:
Thanks mate that's cleared that up for me


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