Author Topic: Starting a GS-911 Academy - What do you want to learn, and how much would you pa  (Read 21901 times)

Nick V

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Good day, all!  ;D

Pretty much as the subject line says. I do Hexcode's technical documentation and videography - but this post comes under the heading of market research.

We're in the early stages of starting up an online technical academy. The aim is to teach GS-911 owners, BMW enthusiasts and journeyman mechanics how to do BMW Motorrad-specific vehicle diagnostics and, in the process, fully exploit the capabilities of their GS-911.
Our curriculum is not exclusive to GS-911 owners. However, since it is GS-911-centric, you will only get the full benefit of it if you own a GS-911.

We're planning on presenting a range of four technical courses (running the gamut from 'Beginner' to 'Expert').
The aims are to A) make each enrolee a competent diagnostic technician, familiar with every feature of the GS-911 and able to use it to solve any relevant problem, and B) build a like-minded community of vehicle technicians who enrich the BMW Motorrad community with their knowledge and experience.

I want feedback from every mechanic, tinkerer, technical enthusiast and weekend bodger who reads this:

  • What technical aspects would you specifically want to learn from this series of courses, and
    Bearing in mind that what's being offered is a complete technical curriculum in four parts, what would you be willing to pay for that curriculum? (Unfortunately, the answer can't be 'Nothing'... hundreds of hours are being put into creating and developing these courses.)

I look forward to hearing from you all!

Automotive diagnostic technician, technical writer, technical trainer, videographer.

'13 R1200GS LC (ezCAN equipped)
'11 Hexhead special (under construction; ezCAN equipped)

10-pin GS-911 USB+Wi-Fi, Professional licence


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First of all thanks for taking on this initiative.

I'll work up my substantive response later.

I note that you have posted the question in other BMW motorcycle fora.

I would like to suggest that you also post in the Vendors forum over on ADVRider. It is by far the most popular site for riders who would be interested in this sort of thing.
Hey BMW: No service manual = no new bike.


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Here are some things that immediately come to mind.

- resetting adaptations
- TPMS replacement
- data logging and displaying data collected
- how to know what normal values are when examining logged data values
- programming and unit conversion
- ABS bleeding procedure

Pricing should consider that HEX CODE needs to offer greater value if it hopes to maintain sales despite its premium price point which is much higher than competing app-based alternatives using inexpensive OBD Bluetooth adapters.
Hey BMW: No service manual = no new bike.


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I am interested in this idea. What format would be used for training?  How will the content be delivered?

To start, outline the user manual and follow it. Drill into each function group. Follow with real world problems and walk through the fix.

I'm waiting.


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Adding to my previous list of topics:

- how to determine if the I-level installed on your bike is the most recent
Hey BMW: No service manual = no new bike.


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Very interested. This is a great tool, and I really want to understand how to take full advantage of it. Definitely inters=ested in even a basic "101" course to understand everything it can do.

Question from me is how would you provide the training, and cost.

2017 GS

Nick V

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Hi again everyone!

This is a generic reply, so you are likely to see it on other biking sites. Reaching out for feedback through multiple forums comes under the heading of research and due diligence. This kind of thing needs to be done before putting together technical courses that take a lot of time in research, compilation and administration. :)

Secondly, to clear up confusion on the subject of what I do and what my position is:
- I DO NOT directly represent Hex or any of its subsidiaries.
- I represent a joint undertaking between myself and Hex.
- My ultimate aim is to greatly extend the knowledge base that allows BMW riders to do effective diagnostics.
- I'm a dedicated rider myself. I own two running BMWs and three more in various stages of assembly. Coming from that perspective, I want everyone who reads this to be able to spend less time doing diagnostics, and more time riding their bikes.

I've noticed some of the same questions coming up multiple times in different forums. I'll try to explain as best I can:

Regarding concerns that the Academy will simply 'teach a user how to operate the GS-911':
The Academy content will not address basic operation of the GS-911. That topic will be the subject of the revamped GS-911 User's Manual (due for release later this year).
The Academy will aim to teach users how to exploit GS-911's capabilities to do advanced diagnostics and troubleshooting, with emphasis on hard-to-solve problems such as intermittent electrical faults.

Regarding concerns that the information gathered by GS-911 cannot currently be compared to lists of known baseline values:
This is an area I'm aiming to address.
Bear in mind that it is a Herculean task. The only entity that has immediate access to that information is BMW Motorrad. For obvious reasons, they will not simply hand it over.

Regarding concerns that the fault codes gathered by GS-911 cannot currently be compared to an exhaustive list of known fault codes:
As I mentioned above, no one but BMW Motorrad themselves have access to their source code.
For that reason, it's harder and more time-consuming than it sounds to compose a list like this. Much of it would involve A) attempting to simulate every possible failure mode on every compatible bike, and B) decoding code streams that may be unfamiliar - sometimes with no fallback other than educated guesswork.
Regardless of that, this is another subject I want very much to address. Watch this space.

Regarding concerns that no actionable steps are currently given for fault codes and fault conditions:
This is exactly the problem that the Academy aims to address.
As I said in my OP, the whole point is to teach learners how to do BMW Motorrad-specific vehicle diagnostics, with emphasis on hard-to-solve problems.

To those who responded to my original post with suggestions and constructive criticism: Thank you!
You are helping to make the difference between 'Can't be done' and 'Did it last week', and every suggestion will be taken into account going forward.

Automotive diagnostic technician, technical writer, technical trainer, videographer.

'13 R1200GS LC (ezCAN equipped)
'11 Hexhead special (under construction; ezCAN equipped)

10-pin GS-911 USB+Wi-Fi, Professional licence


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Hi Nick,

An excellent idea.
For me, I am a mechanical engineer but with experience in electrical and instrumentation, the information is sufficient. But I think of those who do not have an academic background, the information is most of the time very arid and apparently meaningless.
It would be interesting that each adjustment task on the bike has an appropriate description and with the sequence of operations to be done, a real step-by-step. This should greatly assist weekend mechanics.
This way, those who are not technicians or engineers will be able to make the adjustments correctly, using the GS-911 fully and learning a lot about mechanics, electrical, etc.

Best regards,

What separates men from boys is the price of their toys......


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If this could be done during a MOA national rally as more of a sign up class and not just a short seminar I would be in.


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What ever happened to this initiative? Is it a victim of COVID? Will it be revived?
Hey BMW: No service manual = no new bike.

Nick V

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Hi, bmwroadsterca!

Yes, priorities had to be reshuffled as a result of COVID.
The (fledgling) academy is currently dormant, but will most likely be re-activated when things are more stable in the biking world. Thanks for bearing with us during this time!

Automotive diagnostic technician, technical writer, technical trainer, videographer.

'13 R1200GS LC (ezCAN equipped)
'11 Hexhead special (under construction; ezCAN equipped)

10-pin GS-911 USB+Wi-Fi, Professional licence


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Great to hear. Thanks for the update.
Hey BMW: No service manual = no new bike.