Author Topic: Newbie Question: Series and Autoscan Grayed Out  (Read 17745 times)


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Newbie Question: Series and Autoscan Grayed Out
« on: January 18, 2020, 02:27:04 AM »
First time I have hooked up my new GS911 to my 2005 R1200RT Hexhead.  The menu items series and autoscan are grayed out and therefore non-selectable.  Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?



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Re: Newbie Question: Series and Autoscan Grayed Out
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2020, 04:10:27 AM »
More detail on the GS911 model, the PC info, windows version, which GS911 software is downloaded & installed would be needed to assist


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Re: Newbie Question: Series and Autoscan Grayed Out
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2020, 03:07:48 PM »
Hi Wayne:

It is a GS911 WiFi that I bought brand new about a month ago.  I have it set up on my iMac and wireless home network. I also downloaded the GS911 App from the app store to put on my iPhone 7.  The iPhone is what I was using out in the garage while I had the GS 911 plugged into the service port on the bike.

GS-911WiFi info:
F/W version: 0.254 - 0.175
System version: 0.27 - 0.10 - 4
Datapack version: 152
WiFi Module Version: 31.C

iMac Info: OS Mojave 10.14.6
iPhone info: iPhone 7 S/W version 13.3



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Re: Newbie Question: Series and Autoscan Grayed Out
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2020, 02:11:42 AM »
OK, understood re GS911 model & PC System. It has been a long time since I looked at GS911 on a MAC

Looks like you have managed to update the GS911 firmware to the latest so I assume you also registered the GS911 ?, not being registered would be the first thing I can think of which would cause the greyed out menu.

Re the home network setup, you logged into the GS911 using infrastructure mode so there is access to the cloud services ?

Re being plugged into the bike, I assume ignition was on ?


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Re: Newbie Question: Series and Autoscan Grayed Out
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2020, 05:21:50 PM »
Thanks Wayne.  Problem solved.  Your suggestions got me thinking and helped me solve it.  The issue was that I did not have the GS911 utility open on my Mac.    I opened the utility on the Mac  and was double checking that I was registered when I stumbled into the main menu that had the auto scan and series black instead of greyed out.  I realized then that I need the utility open on my Mac for it to connect properly to my iPhone.  I connected the GS911 to the port on my bike and voila!! it worked, iPhone had the two items black and selectable instead of gray.  I just got through doing an autoscan.

Thanks agin for your help!!