General Category > ABS related issues

ABS retrofit


Been digging in the forum for this topic but found nothing.

Is Hex Can capable to code a donor ABS? I mean retrofitting a second hand ABS control module i.e. writing VIN number?
With an increasing number of ABS control module fails mainly in the GS series BMW´s it could be a very nice feature to be able to code a second hand ABS control module form a junk yard.
Is it possible?


Hello Ray

No way, if it is retrofitted to a can-bus system :-\

Hi Exopar

Your thread heading "ABS retrofit" and the detail of your question are a little confusing.

"ABS retrofit" would mean that you are adding ABS to a bike that, when manufactured, did not have ABS and no ABS would be 'configured'

What you are actually wanting to know if whether the coding can be changed to see another foreign ABS module on a bike with existing ABS.

Be that as it may, unfortunately the answer to your question is 'No'.  That can only be done by BMW, and unfortunately that can also only be done on certain bikes.  They have apparently recently changed their system so that it does not allow them to 're-code' bikes with ABS modules that are already configured in another bike.  ie. according to their system the ABS module number "XYZ123" is configured to work in bike "ABC987", so it cannot at the same time be configure to work in another bike.  This is according to the local BMW Motorrad tech and how true it is I do not know, but I have recently, on 3 different occasions with 3 different bikes, attempted to get ABS modules re-coded by BMW.  They have failed on all 3 counts.  Basically they are forcing you to buy a new ABS module which hasn't previously been fitted to another bike.


I noticed my question was not elaborated in a proper way, however, you did answer it flawlessly. Appreciated your time and effort.



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