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1904.1 Logs Realtime very Slowly, Need to Downgrade

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roger 04 rt:
Yesterday I loaded 1904.1 and the latest GS-911 firmware. My sampling rate with the PC program has dropped from about 350mS to about 2-3 seconds in Turbo mode. I am debugging a transient battery voltage/starter interaction and I need the faster sampling rate.

How can I quickly downgrade to the last GS-911 and PC revisions??

roger 04 rt:
Just to add more clarity, I'm referring to the sample rate when logging realtime values to a CSV file.

It is simple to downgrade to an earlier PC version assuming you have the install file, the WiFi firmware is not likely to be a factor, it is also likely that the slow sample rate is associated with the specific model you are working on but you did not specify it in your post, lodge a support ticket with Hexcode

roger 04 rt:
The model is an r1150gs. I use the gs-911 weekly for collecting real-time data. If I log using the PC program it is slow. If I log to the gs-911 WiFi it is slower than before. I have opened a help desk ticket.

I’m pretty sure I will need to backup to an earlier revision on PC and 911 WiFi. I don’t have either sources.

Therein lies the reason I use the downloader to ensure I have the installer for each PC version, also remember that when using the PC App the GS911 is a dumb interface with the firmware being for stand alone or cloud operation so I expect you will only need to revert the PC App


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