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how to Unlock Speedo meter s 1000rr?

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Can anybody help me? Is current version of software on 911gs USB can unlock speedo xcombi to 399km/h on s1000rr 2015?


--- Quote from: Kogeltje on September 24, 2020, 04:06:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: Paulo Defavari on July 21, 2020, 04:33:50 PM ---I also look forward to unlocking this K67 speedometer 8)

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My buddy owns a 2020 S1000RR, he says the speedo already shows 300+ km/h

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 :o ??? ;D
Would he be able to give a link to a video or image from a helmet cam confirming this?
That would be awesome!


--- Quote from: jakutash on September 23, 2020, 03:50:13 PM ---Hi there. i have s1000rr 15 ECU BMSX. how can i be a beta tester program? I want buy gs911 to Speedo unlock 399...

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--- Quote from: jakutash on September 23, 2020, 03:53:16 PM ---Hi Paulo! When HEX do update to 911gs can unlock speedo XCOMBI46 ? Or where i can download beta test firmware with this feature ?

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--- Quote from: jakutash on September 24, 2020, 07:03:43 PM ---Can anybody help me? Is current version of software on 911gs USB can unlock speedo xcombi to 399km/h on s1000rr 2015?

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Do you have a GS911 USB, or are you still considering purchasing a device?
Coding on the XKOMBI46 is currently only supported in Beta and only over the cloud. This means you need to run the web App, and will need a GS911 WiFi.
If you have a GS911 WiFi, I can add you to the beta list, and you will be able to do an over-the-air update on your device (no firmware download needed).
K001 coding can be volatile, hence only in beta, where we can give additional disclaimers.
It is only cloud based so that we can perform cluster recovery procedures from our servers, in the event that something goes wrong. The PC app (as used with a USB device) is offline diagnostics.
The next release of the PC-app will also support cloud based diagnostics, and will then support USB devices on beta for K001 coding.


--- Quote from: Wilco on September 25, 2020, 12:08:10 PM ---

Do you have a GS911 USB, or are you still considering purchasing a device?
Coding on the XKOMBI46 is currently only supported in Beta and only over the cloud. This means you need to run the web App, and will need a GS911 WiFi.
If you have a GS911 WiFi, I can add you to the beta list, and you will be able to do an over-the-air update on your device (no firmware download needed).
K001 coding can be volatile, hence only in beta, where we can give additional disclaimers.
It is only cloud based so that we can perform cluster recovery procedures from our servers, in the event that something goes wrong. The PC app (as used with a USB device) is offline diagnostics.
The next release of the PC-app will also support cloud based diagnostics, and will then support USB devices on beta for K001 coding.

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Thank you very much! Good information! I still considering purchasing a device! so the USB version is chipper)

he next release of the PC-app will also support cloud based diagnostics, and will then support USB devices on beta for K001 coding.

It turns out I can take the Usb version... do you know exactly when the next release come?

Unfortunately I am not able to give an accurate release date.
Active development is currently in the final few stages. After that there will be a period of in-house alpha testing, and perhaps even a round of beta testing before the first public release.
I'll update this thread with more information when it becomes available to me.


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