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Question for the specialist

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Grrrrr now I know why I just couldn't find any wiring diagram  :(
thanks for all your ideas. I gues I have to search for the problem the old fashion way  8)

GS Jim:
Try using your GS911 in live values mode to check function of the switches and wiring when activating, pulling, wiggling etc. Also check the integraty of the sidestand spring to make sure it remains stowed when riding and at what point in its travel it activates the switch.


--- Quote from: GS Jim on February 22, 2019, 10:35:51 PM ---Try to be as specific as possible, does it die while in motion or standing still, do all dash lights go out, does it crank but not start or refire tight away, dies when you turn on high beam or ..., any work done recently (ie added lights, horn, fuzzy dice ;D) accident, does it feel like fueling or lack of , anything at all that you can think of.
Some of the obvious things to check would be side stand switch and wiring, kill switch and wiring, ignition switch and wiring.
Good luck ghost issues really suck.

--- End quote ---

I agree with GSJim here.

To say that every now and then the engine stops is very vague.

Give us a bit more insight and maybe someone can point you in the right direction.

There can be many reasons for random engine 'stops', and I know its not good practice to replace parts on a 'fit and hope' basis.......... but one of the (many) reasons for intermittent engine stops can be a 'faulty crankshaft position' sensor (CPS) which usually causes engine stops when engine is hot and works normally again after engine has cooled. A faulty cps does not always throw a code.
Hope this helps.
Ps.... I'm a motor mechanic and the above is my experience


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