Author Topic: ABS2 error number 16 "Plunger test failed" or error number 16 "PISTON FAILURE"  (Read 12563 times)


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 I purchased GS911 enthusiast version few years ago and I am very pleased
 with its performance and possibility.
 Right now I am diagnosing K1200LT year 2000 with ABS generation 2. I am
 receiving error code numer 16 with text explanation of "ABS PISTON FAILED"
 while sometimes error code 16 has explanation "PLUNGER TEST FAILED".
 I know that BMW ABS2 performs plunger test at pull away after startup with
 well known "kerklank" sound from modulator, where it checks if the plungers were
 moved by engaging traction clutch.
 Modulator monitors just plunger movement ( one coil for front and one coil
 for rear plunger) and does not monitor brake pistons if they were moved and
 does not monitor brake pressure.

 I found error codes for ABS2 modulators on web page

but I am not sure how ABS PISTON FAILED error code #16 is generated if
 Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.
