General Category > GS-911 Android

Compatibility with Android tablets

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hi All,

we've noticed that the Android app does not show support for the 7", 8" and 10" tablets.  We've corrected a setting in the descriptor so it is available for tablets.


I have a Nexus 7 tablet without phone capability, only WiFi.  I need to download directly from the Google store.  I needed to get an adapter to get from the mini USB on the GS-911 unit to the micro USB on the tablet.  The regular mini USB/desktop computer USB will not work.

Have you tried more than one cable?
SOME USB cables are only made for the 5 Volts charging, not data transfers  :-(
Stupid but true :-(

I used the cable that came with the GS-911 which has a mini-USB (into the GS-911 unit) and a normal USB port (into a regular computer).  What I needed is a mini-USB (into the GS-911) and a micro USB (into my tablet).  I found a suitable one at Amazon for about US $6.  Now I just have to download the GS-911 software into my tablet via the Google store.  This is contrary to much of the language on the website which and will end up charging me a few dollars.  But I will shortly have a solution!

I hope GS-911 includes a micro USB cable on the new version they are working on.  I'll need it for K1600GT.

I am sorry, I missed the mini and micro problem.
I am OLD and believed  "normal USB" was the standard, on tablets too  :-[


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