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How to balance idle actuators
Christopher Sparks:
My question is how do you perform (balance idle actuators) correctly for a R1200GSA (K51) 2014.
I have a rough idle and was hoping that (balance idle actuators) would do the trick but I'm unclear if I followed the procedure correctly. I simple pressed the reset button and it said that it was completed. I then scrolled down the page and read that I should run the bike until the fan comes on. At this point I stopped because my thinking was the process was complete and if I were to run the bike until the fan came on, nothing would be monitoring it.
GS 911 is a great tool and has actually saved my bacon in Mongolia but it is let down by the lack of instructions. I have spent days trowelling the internet put to no avail, so any help I'd be truly grateful.
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I'm guessing here...
You can't control/sync the idle actuators... the BMSX (?) does. The reset (guess) tells the BMSX to throw away any learned values. That takes a half a second and is all the GS-911 can do. You then need to run the bike through its operating temperature range so the BMSX learns the appropriate new values.
I'd be very happy if someone who KNOWS could verify that. Or tell me I'm wrong.
Running the machine until the fan goes on to rebuild the adaptions after a reset is a standard procedure on both car and bike EFI models, in the TSB for the recent G650GS recall in fact BMW specifies letting the fan cycle on and off at least twice to ensure the adaptions are properly rebuilt
Christopher Sparks:
Many thanks for the reply #marchyman #WayneC
I'm no mechanic but I have managed to perform a major service after buying the special tools and ironically using #marchyman tutorials (many thanks).
The only thing I'm faced with is the rough idle which I'm hoping to fix buy relearning the adaptations as stated. Am I right in thinking that the adaptions can be learnt without the need of the GS-911 being plugged in. I ask because after I pressed reset I turned the ignition off and haven't turned it back on since (just being cautious as I don't what to get myself into pickle). If my query sounds odd in any way it's because I'm now a little uncertain what I pressed - it seemed self explanatory at the time.
On that note, by relearning the adaptions - does this sound like the solution to my idle problem. What wound BMW do as my timing and clearances are 100%.
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That is correct, after doing the reset, the GS911 does not need to be connected while the adaptions are rebuilt by idling the machine
Reset of adaptions is a first step tool used by BMW techs when investigating problems such as rough idle, a BMW rep I spoke to last year was frustrated people did not understand the importance of reset/rebuilds, he recounted a story of running a test ride day and during the morning people reported one 1200GS was a bit of a dog, he had the tech with him run reset/rebuild at lunch time and the afternoon riders reported what a sweet machine it was, it is not the answer to everything but important when working on machines and replacing parts
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