Author Topic: Idle Actuation Calibration - R1200 TwinCam Models  (Read 17701 times)


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Idle Actuation Calibration - R1200 TwinCam Models
« on: June 10, 2017, 01:05:15 PM »

I have just bought the GS911 WiFi for my 2012 R1200GS. Up to now I am finding it great but as with all things technical I am having to go 'Back to school' and learn how to use it properly. One issue I have come up against is in the 'Known Issues' section of Hexcode's web site. It shows the following:-

PC version (current version)
   •   On R1200 Twincam models, after doing a Idle Actuator Calibration, once the engine is started, the idle is very rough. The solution is to do a "Reset All Adaptations Values" (and remember to follow the re-learn procedure afterwards).  Once you have experienced this, please do an AutoScan and send us the AutoScan.  Then take your motorcycle to BMW and ask them to update the Engine Control Unit's software... Once updated, do another AutoScan and send it to us please.

My concern is that I may make things worse for myself if I try and carry out this procedure, and will result in a visit to the BMW dealership. This I want to avoid as the whole reason for buying the GS911 was to become self sufficient.
So a number of questions:-
Have Hexcode resolved this problem?
Will I have issues if I try an Idle Actuator Calibration?
Has anyone seen this issue and have any resolution?

I am running the GS911 on my iPad via the Hexcode's Hexcloud via WiFi. I do not have a PC based version as I currently run Apple IOS, Sierra OS.

Any help much appreciated.



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Re: Idle Actuation Calibration - R1200 TwinCam Models
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2017, 03:55:45 AM »
The known issues seems to make it clear that there are some problems with an early version of the ECU firmware but that the offending firmware version is not known. Where the problem does occur it is something which Hexcode could not resolve with an update to their software and indicate the bike would be best updated by the Dealer. What is the firmware revision for the ECU and iLevel for the bike ?
« Last Edit: June 11, 2017, 03:58:08 AM by WayneC »


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Re: Idle Actuation Calibration - R1200 TwinCam Models
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2017, 09:04:10 PM »

Many thanks for getting back to me, I think the picture is now becoming clearer. Regards the info you ask me about. I have done an AutoScan of my ECU. I can tell you that both Factory and Actual I-Level show:- K024-12-02-500, regarding the 'firmware revision' I am not sure where to find this info as nothing jumps out of the autoscan that says 'firmware revision' If you could elaborate on how to get the info I can let you know. There is something directly below the Autoscan header that says 'Base system version : 0.253-0.146' not sure if this refers to the  Hexcode or BMW firmware revision?




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Re: Idle Actuation Calibration - R1200 TwinCam Models
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2017, 03:05:32 AM »
The iLevel on your machine is very old,  2012 Feb v500, in fact it has never had any updates applied since new as Factory and Actual iLevel are the same

There will be firmware updates for more than one of the ECU's on your machine and it would be worthwhile having a Dealer do the updates

The firmware revision of individual ECU's is normally the Part No for the ECU as shown on the GS911 Autoscan

The Base System Version you quote is the GS911 WiFi version

When I was talking to a BMW Oz rep last year it was clear he had a degree of frustration in dealing with some owner complaints of problems going back up to 5 years and would not have landed on his desk if Dealers had done firmware updates during normal servicing. Firmware updates are not the answer to every problem but no machine is perfect when first released and updates can be beneficial in resolving issues like the reset issue Hexcode refer to
« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 03:10:19 AM by WayneC »

Paul Hoffmann

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Re: Idle Actuation Calibration - R1200 TwinCam Models
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2017, 09:20:58 AM »
I have a 2012 R1200GS and had this problem, following their advice in the known issue cured the rough idle.
Had the firmware updated at a dealer in Portugal mid 2016 and the autoscan now shows "Actual I-Level:   K024-16-06-510"
It did take some time for the GS911 updates to catch up but currently running V1703.1 and all was fine at the start of 2017 when I last serviced the 1200GS.
I reported this to Hexcode in 2016 so as far as I was concerned they had all the current info.
Hope this helps!!


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Re: Idle Actuation Calibration - R1200 TwinCam Models
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2017, 11:19:56 PM »

Thanks for picking this topic up. I think my bike may be ok which I will explain later. As I understand it only certain models were affected with the Idle Calibration problem. HexCode were asking affected people to contact them to see if a pattern was emerging about just which group of bikes were being affected.
I carried out a throttle body synch using a 'Carbtune' without using GS911 and everything worked out ok. I then did the same using the GS911 which as I understand parks the stepper motors up. Unbeknown to me when you start the synch using GS911 the first thing it did by default was calibrate the Idle Actuator prior to carrying out the synch procedure. This alarmed me somewhat as the engine began to run extremely rough for about 10 seconds then settled to a nice even tickover. So I think that my bike appears to be ok and not affected by this problem. All in all a great piece of kit which also carried out the ABS Bleed test as part of the brake fluid change.
Lastly I may ask the local BMW dealer about iLevel update to 510 from 500. Can't understand why they have not updated it at previous services. BMW must have a good reason for updating there software!

Many thanks again.



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Re: Idle Actuation Calibration - R1200 TwinCam Models
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2017, 03:01:49 AM »
Understanding iLevel is required here, it is the overall Integration level of all the ECU's in the machine as of the date specified

K024-12-02-500 = K024 Model Series 12-02 is 2012 Feb, 500 is version 500 release in 2012
K024-16-06-510 = K024 Model Series 16-06 is 2016 June, 510 is version 510 release in 2016

So it is far more than a simple increment in overall revision level of one ECU, there may well have been multiple revisions of multiple ECU's
« Last Edit: February 05, 2019, 04:03:38 PM by WayneC »


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Re: Idle Actuation Calibration - R1200 TwinCam Models
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2017, 11:50:09 PM »
Thanks for the update. My knowledge of the GS911 and the inner workings of my machine continue to grow.
