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Connecting to my iPhone 7

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OK, I think I got it, I could not switch to D2D just by pressing that button, but my phone sees it now. Wow never had that much trouble with something like this. If I am away from my home, and I don't have internet, will it run off my phone? I hope it never happens but say I get a fault, I will just say rear tail light because I have got several faults on it, will I be able to reset it with just my phone if my phone is not connected to internet, sorry I keep asking more than likely questions that are answered somewhere else but I have not had any luck finding my questions either, thanks everyone

GS Jim:
Yes you can reset faults without internet by using your phone, you can't do all the things that connecting it to a pc and using the internet allows you to. Read and view the links I sent and it should give you a better understanding of all the capabilities it has.
Using the button on the end is how you switch between modes, you need to go to infrastructure mode to use it when plugged in to a pc, give it a few seconds after pushing the button.


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