General Category > Engine related issues


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Terrable Rider:

--- Quote from: GS Jim on April 06, 2017, 01:59:44 AM ---So, is the dash reading out the correct gear on the F800?

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Hi Jim
Yes the right gears are displayed on the dash.

Terrable Rider:

--- Quote from: WayneC on April 06, 2017, 03:06:42 AM ---
--- Quote from: Terrable Rider on April 06, 2017, 01:32:45 AM ---Hi Wayne
Thanks for your reply
Since the last go round with the F800r Ive done the diagnostics and adaption resets on a 2006 K1200S.
The Bike definitely runs smoother but the readouts are the same as the F800R that is the values are being read as decreasing instead of increasing.
I'm wondering if this is a bug in the latest updates for the 911.
The last time I actually used the 911 was before Christmas and all values were as they should be on the F800R.
Could it be that the latest updates cause the 911 to interpet the values inversely?

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Yes it would theoretically be possible for the displayed values to be inverted, that would only be what is displayed though since the right gears are shown in the dash, I would suggest you lodge a support ticket with Hexcode and see what they say

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Thanks Wayne
I'll do that.


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