General Category > GS-911 Android
Logging feature request
I was wondering if I could make a feature request for the mobile app: The most useful would be for it to automatically reconnect when showing realtime data, and also when its logging. Often when logging it seems to stop after a few minutes, and when you are out on a ride with your mobile in your pocket you cant see that it has stopped.
Other nice to have would be to log GPS coords so the data could be overlaid onto a map. And also maybe an option to slow down the sample/log rate.
The problem is usually caused by Android shutting down the bluetooth connection and/or app to conserve battery power.
I suggest connecting your phone/tablet to a charger while logging with the GS-911 App left in the foreground.
Feature request about GPS logging and sample rate adjustment noted.
Maybe your mobile will not shut down the bluetooth if it is connected to a powersource:
(or you can set it to NOT shut off when NOT on battery power?)
Its fairly easy to fit a "charger" to the bike.
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