Author Topic: K1200GT 2008 // Brake lever squishy and pads drag after replacing pads  (Read 12481 times)


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Good day,

After replacing my front brake pads the lever is squishy, and the pads are dragging slightly.

The brakes / ABS still work quite well, but I can pull the lever all the way into the handlebar. Also, when the lever is pulled, a hissing noise is audible. Seems to be coming from the Pressure Modulator (the non-whirring type).

I've bled both calipers using a Mightyvac. No difference.

The lever, though, I can live with for now. But the dragging pads not so much. Even though there is only a slight drag, the brakes start whining after a few miles of highway. When checked, the calipers are both about equally hot.

Should  the Pressure Modulator be bled? I don't find a procedure for that in the BMW shop manual, and it doesn't seem to have nipples.

Appreciate you help.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 12:33:55 PM by Elwin »

GS Jim

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Re: K1200GT 2008 // Brake lever squishy and pads drag after replacing pads
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2017, 06:48:21 PM »
Hello Elwin, who thought that just changing pads could cause a problem but seems you have one

The BMW manual says this "After installing new brake pads, you must use the BMW Motorrad diagnostic system to initialise the new components"
It shows a wire to right caliper for pad wear, do you have this, and if you do I am not sure it would cause any of these issues anyway.

Also says this "Install the brake pad with the wear indicator on the inboard side of the right-hand brake caliper."

Did you remove the wheel, if so check that it is reinstalled correctly The manual says "Attention
The left axle clamp locates the threaded bush in the front suspension. If the threaded bush is not correctly aligned the gap between the sensor ring and the wheel-speed sensor will not be correct and this can cause the ABS to malfunction or allow the wheel-speed sensor to be damaged.
 In order to ensure that the threaded bush remains correctly aligned, do not slacken or remove the left axle clamp"

Did you remove the calipers, if so check that they are reinstalled correctly although not much can go wrong with that.

Try retracting the pistons a bit and make sure the wheel spins OK then pump up brakes again and check.

Don't Know if any of this will help but since everything worked before its unlikely something broke just when you changed pads so double checking the mechanical work would be a good start.