General Category > GS-911 Android
No GS-911 connected on Android 7.1.1
I got a new Google Pixel recently. When I connect to the WiFi on the GS-911 in D2D mode, it showed no devices connected. I thought this was odd, so I opened a browser to There was the GS-911 home page. Next, I tried infrastructure mode and saw the same thing. I had to find the IP address on my network, but once I did that and entered the IP in a browser, I connected to the GS-911 right away. Any idea why the connected devices list on the phone keeps showing up empty?
Good question, I would suspect firewall settings on the phone as a first place to start, I would let Hexcode know since the Pixel is so new
Revisiting this to see if any others have seen this. I am getting the attached screen, whether I connect D2D or over wifi. The attached is for D2D, but connected to WiFi, I see the same screen. When I open a browser and enter the IP address ( or the address on my network,) though, I get the HEX front end, so, obviously, there IS a GS911 device connected to the desktop. Why is it not being discovered?
Just heard back from Support on this. There is an issue with the newer Android version and they are working on a fix. The ticket is 1451460. If you have a similar problem, I encourage you to let Hex Support know.
Running Nougat 7.1.1 on a Oneplus 3 without any issues.
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