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Australian K1200rs/gt 2004 GS911 won't look at engine or abs ecu s,

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merlin geikie:
G'day folks,

In the last couple of weeks I have bought the usb GS911 for my K1200rs/gt 04.

Got the downloader tool and the correct software for my model gs911.

I am running Windows Vista and the green light on the gs911 unit lights up solid.

The unit was able to test the engine functions but not the abs functions, which is very important.

The GS tool is no longer sensing the engine ecu or the abs ecu.

The plug is sprayed with electronic cleaner as are the GS tool sockets.

These screenshots are today's result.

Any hints tip or suggestions very much appreciated and thanks in advance.

Merlin in downunder Australia

Are you sure:
Kill switch
are "off" (or "on") and working?
I think that also mean the rear and sidestand sensors.
I do not have a K1200 but will anyhow try on my bike- to see what message the GS911 give.
Will do so tomorrow.
Unless the GS911 team answer you before that

merlin geikie:
G'day Haakon,

Yes all these switches are in correct position and the engine was running for those tests with the screenshots.  The GS911 just does not seem to talk to the bike at all except for some basic identification like part number and brand of ecu.

I don't know what is going on.

Can a team member please help me here with my newly bought GS911 please?



I had a similar problem with an RT.  The bike had to be on the centrestand with the side stand folded away before the GS911 would comm with the ecu.

How ....   ;D THATS not obvious  :)

--- Quote from: Jughead on September 03, 2013, 09:46:18 PM ---I had a similar problem with an RT.  The bike had to be on the centrestand with the side stand folded away before the GS911 would comm with the ecu.

--- End quote ---


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