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Second Hand Clocks and ZFE Unit Problem. Cannot be used?

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Hey all, i have basically replaced my Kombi and ZFE ecu unit of my bmw and i seem to of hit a brick wall.
Basically the bike is throwing up faults and the ESA plus ABS isnt working so i took the bike to my BMW dealer.
They said its impossible to re program the bike to accept these new parts as the VIN numbers dont match. They said they cannot reset this as its designed to reduce bike thefts and second hand part sales from this.
Does anyone know a way i can get around this? Maybe there is a techinal guru out there who can reset these units? Or anyone else had the same problem?

I can not help-sorry! Just have a few thoughts on this issue.
Security- yes, sure, if we think of stolen bikes being sold as parts.
What if I want to sell parts from MY damaged bike- can those parts not be used on another bike?
How do the BMW workshop install and code new parts?
Can the parts (or bike) only be coded once?
Do not think so.
Maybe a (anonymous) BMW mechanic can shed some light on this?
Good luck!

Thanks for the replie!

I know some things dont seem to add up or make sense really, the BMW mechanic said he could do it originally and then after 2 hours (which i had to pay for) said he couldnt be done as these were used parts and the VIN numbers were different on the ZFE and Kombi clock

I just hope a helpful and nameless BMW mechanic out there might be able to shed some light on the matter.

Hi James

What bike is this on?

I have replaced instuments on F800GSs and R1200GSs without a problem.  Some were new, some 2nd hand.

Its on a R1200 RT, I wonder if the Second hand ZFE unit isnt working? Are they normally a straight swop?


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