Author Topic: remaining fuel range calibration with R1200GS (K25, BJ'12)  (Read 13171 times)


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remaining fuel range calibration with R1200GS (K25, BJ'12)
« on: August 30, 2016, 01:02:44 AM »

Is it possible to adjust the assumed spare volume of fuel (4L) used to calculate the remaining range/distance when the yellow triangle is activated?

I found, that I could go almost 50km more, when remaining range is reported to be '0' and I can only fill about 18L or less. So I assume the real spare volume to be at least 6L.

As far as I know my model is NOT equipped with the infamous fuel strip anymore, but with floater again. And I have the GS-911 Professional (not wifi).

Can i change the spare volume constant used in the FW or the BC?

