General Category > Engine related issues

Unknown I Level


Paul Hoffmann:
I am based in Portugal and have finally found a good BMW dealer.
After visiting them today they checked for updates and updated the bike system with an I level designated as K024-16-06-510.
I know the K024 is my bike and the I level was released in June 2016 with the 510 being the version number (this info i found on the Hex website).
My question is after doing an autoscan I now have an Actual I level: unknown I level:0x92 as shown in the autoscan (file attached).
The info on the website states if I am running the latest GS911 software then it may be due to Hexcode not having the data. 
Can anybody help me on this and if Hexcode don't have the data when are they likely to get it?
I want to resolve this as having a twin cam R1200GS I am still suffering from the known issue of rough running after carrying out the idle actuator calibration and Hexcode have asked for a copy of the autoscan after any update.
Thanks in advance

The update done by the Dealer must have just been released by BMW, Hexcode would be expected to add it into the next software release, it is likely to be a small incremental change in one of the ECU's only, I assume you sent the Autoscan to Hexcode so they can see there is an update ?

Paul Hoffmann:
I will send the autoscan to Hexcode today and then wait for the next software release.
Thanks for the reply.


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