Author Topic: Throttle Body Syn  (Read 11958 times)


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Throttle Body Syn
« on: June 08, 2016, 08:40:14 AM »
Hi to All,
Recently I carried out my first TBS on the 2012 BMW R1200R. First completed the calibration, everything appeared to go well, achieved the smiley face and minimal out of balance BUT was uncertain about the finish when a blue coloured rectangular box appeared.
Prior to fitting an AF-xied my multiplicative trims was around 0.95, now Cyl 2 is 1.04 and Cyl 1 is 1.05 ( at wide throttle angles ) at smaller angles it is 1.15-1.20.
The reason for the post is that the cable adjustment is on the RHS ( which I believe is Cyl 1 ).
Is it possible that I screwed up the TBS which has contributed to this large Cyl 1 Multi Trim figure.

I am not noticing anything unusual whilst riding, all other data appears to be within expected range.

Any thoughts on the imbalance and thank you in advance.