General Category > GS-911 Mobile (Bluetooth)

Blackberry versus Android


Hi, new here. Eagerly anticipating the arrival of a new GS-911Blu. The idea of hooking up without wires and being able to use a phone rather than a PC convinced me to spend a few extra ££. But I have a couple of questions if anyone wouldn't mind  giving a little advice.
-Is there much difference between the Android app and the Blackberry. I have an old (compatible) blackberry but I'm wondering if the screen will be too small.
-I'm guessing the mobile app will just show / reset fault codes, I've not found any screen shots as yet.
-And finally, can bluetooth be used to connect to the main PC application?

Probably basic questions I know but I've not found the answers on the website so far. My apologies if I've just not looked deep enough.

Dont know about the Blackberry but the GS911 will do real time logging via the bluetooth interface, I have logs from a couple of GS owners and it worked well

The Blackberry has always had a fiddly UI so I've pushed the boat out and ordered an Android phone for the vast amount of £20!
Its low end (Vodafone Smart First 6) but new and operates on Android 4.4. Needing it only for the GS-911 and maybe an odd rare  voice call I don't think I can go wrong, if it doesn't work well I shall bin it.


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