General Category > Engine related issues

2000 1150GS Rough Running

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Hi Wayne and Jughead,

Decided to change out the plug leads, HES and will look to replace the coil should I still have issues. I haven't discounted the stand switch at this stage but don't really want to cut the wiring. I will look to somehow fit connectors should it not prove to be problematic.
I will report back after my son returns from holiday to help me sort it. Peter.

Be aware that the side stand switch/harness/socket with the red/white/brown wires is a generic item used on many models and on the 650GS the red and white wires can be reversed on some supplied to BMW, it seems to be just the way different batches were made so some 650GS owners have had to loop red to Brown and others White to Brown, I would not be surprised if the 1150 was the same

My son swung by on his way home from his summer break and confirmed that the one lead is definitely AWOL and the terminals in the plug that attaches to the coil is kaput. I could not pull it apart and elected to wait for my son who applied a lot of pressure before it pulled apart. One spade terminal had corroded away and the other was on its way out. This is not a water-proof plug so any moisture is going to enter down the wires to the spade terminals. I will need to two order these two spade terminals that fit into the plug ( part #1459615).
Chances of the local BMW shop having these is slim. Are these by any chance also a BMW car part?? Peter.

Use realOEM to do a Part No Application Search, it will tell you what models (car/bike) a part is used on

While I am not familiar with the plug caps/leads on your model I can tell you that in all the years i have owned BMs I have never purchased BMW plug leads or caps, I have always purchased after market parts and mostly made up my own leads which is what I have on my Dakar, much better than BMW

Cheers Wayne, will look it up. Peter


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