General Category > Engine related issues

2000 1150GS Rough Running

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Thanks Jughead.
Can you be a little more precise as to what I should do? I am new to this multimeter testing.
Thanks for being so helpful. Peter

Will draw you a diagram as soon as I get home. Much easier that way. Do you know someone with access to an oscilloscope?

Herewith the diagram of where to test. Multimeter set to ohm scale.

Test leads as per dotted lines will test secondary winding of the coil.IIRC should be around 220R. EDIT - Sould be around 13k.

Test leads as per solid lines will test coil, plug leads and plug caps.  You can also test the individual plug leads on their own. IIRC should be 10k.

Also have a look here:

Thanks again Jughead for the clarity of repy.

I checked each spark plug cable and got the following readings;
Left Hand cable; 5.49k Ohms (.004M Ohms)
Right Hand cable; Would not give reading using the k Ohms scale and on the M Ohms scale would not settle on a number but continued to run up and down the scale from 10 to 18 M Ohms??

I suspect these are kaput!!


RHS definitely!  I'm not sure if they should be 1k or 10k, maybe someone else can clarify.  Either way, the readings should be steady.

Ii would replace both anyway as a start.


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