Author Topic: K1200S tyre pressure sensor learning  (Read 19600 times)


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K1200S tyre pressure sensor learning
« on: March 18, 2015, 07:24:05 PM »
Has anyone managed to learn a new tyre pressure to their bike.

Am I right in thinking that it is impossible to learn a new tyre pressure sensor to my bike even though I have the code? Will I require the wake up tool?

I have taken the bike for a ride until the front sensor indicates pressure and then returned home and connected up to the GS911 and a lap top without switching off the ignition. In the tyre pressure setting mode I can see the codes for wheel set A and want to set a code for the rear sensor in wheel set B. When I set it to learn the code, the motorcycle instrument display eventually displays the rear tyre pressure but the sensor code does not come up. When I go to advanced setting and put the sensor code in the wheel set B rear wheel box it comes back with the message:- Negative response received from controller, request out of range.

Will this be a main agent only job?


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Re: K1200S tyre pressure sensor learning
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2015, 09:40:01 PM »
The new sensor would have had the ID-Code printed on a sticker on the unit.
>Tyre Pressure Monitor" function.
>Tyre Pressure Sensor Learning"
>Then select "Advanced" at the bottom of the list.
>Select the wheel that the sensor is fitted to.
>In the space provided alongside "Enter sensor ID to be written:" enter the ID number on the sticker.
>Click "Write sensor ID"
> all done!

"out of the writing from Jughead"  (thank you)
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Re: K1200S tyre pressure sensor learning
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2015, 12:46:41 AM »
That is exactly what I did except at the end it was not "all done!"

New sensor with the ID-Code printed on a sticker on the unit.
>Tyre Pressure Monitor" function.
>Tyre Pressure Sensor Learning"
>Then select "Advanced" at the bottom of the list.
>Select the wheel that the sensor is fitted to.
>In the space provided alongside "Enter sensor ID to be written:" enter the ID number on the sticker.
>Click "Write sensor ID"
>Then this message:- Negative response received from controller, request out of range.

Very disappointing considering that this was the first service function that I expected to be able to perform with my new GS911-WIFI.  Speaking to an independent BMW motorcycle dealer that uses an older GS911 than mine, he was very surprised that my later unit would not learn the new sensor to my bike.

In the past he has had to refer his customers, with new tyre pressure monitors, to a BMW main agent.   


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Re: K1200S tyre pressure sensor learning
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2015, 11:18:16 AM »
quote: and want to set a code for the rear sensor in wheel set B.

Which code? New sensor? New ID?
Controller answered with: Negative response received from controller, request out of range.
Where is this new sensor? Compatible to your Bike?

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Re: K1200S tyre pressure sensor learning
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2015, 11:59:03 AM »
quote: and want to set a code for the rear sensor in wheel set B.

Which code? ID number on stickerNew sensor?Yes New ID? Came with sensor
Controller answered with: Negative response received from controller, request out of range.
Where is this new sensor?Fitted in my back wheel Compatible to your Bike?Bought from Motorworks?


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Re: K1200S tyre pressure sensor learning
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2015, 09:07:49 PM »
I have now managed to learn a new tyre pressure sensor to my bike.  :)

I could not learn the sensor as a part of wheel set B but was able to learn it by cancelling the existing wheel set A rear wheel sensor and then entering the new sensor ID. This was after inflating the tyre to 50psi and letting it down which woke up the sensor. 

In the future when I change the wheel I will change the sensor ID unless I can find a method to enter two sets of wheels which works.  ::)