General Category > General Discussion
Ignition coil dwell & firing time
Not really GS-911 related, but trust I can post. Need sanity check on calculations. Away from home today. Wanted to check an ignition coil. R1200, random misfire at times. Normally check with Picoscope. Today only had Hantek 1008 and small coil that I could use to see a bit of the induced ignition waveform. Got a crude waveform but dwell and fire time visible. Then only noted that the Hantek software suggests that the duration of the above is a few microseconds. See photo. Somehow I was under impression that it should be a few millseconds, not microseconds?
My sanity check calculations below. Please help and TIA.
Val Unit
RPM @ idle 1200 RPMin
Seconds per minute 60 Seconds
Thus : Revs per second 20 RPSec
Thus : Seconds per Revolution 0,05 Seconds
One crank rotation (Degrees) 360 Degrees
Assume dwell and Ignition duration degrees rotation 55 Degrees
Calculated duration 0,007638889 Seconds
Thus ; Approx Total Dwell & Burn Milliseconds duration 7,638888889 milli seconds
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