Author Topic: 2010 K1300GT ESA Calibration  (Read 8835 times)


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2010 K1300GT ESA Calibration
« on: June 24, 2024, 09:11:46 PM »
I’ve had the bike over a year now and as I ride solo with no luggage have the damping set to Comfort most of the time. I do exercise through Normal, Sport and back to Comfort and can feel the difference.

I am 5’ 10” tall, have a 30-31” inside leg and weigh @100kg and ride solo and have it set to one helmet.

I believe I have the low saddle set to its lowest position and when stationary I can only get 1.5 feet on the floor ie. one foot is flat the other on the ball of the foot.

When stationary and working through the preload settings of one helmet, one helmet with luggage and two helmets I could feel the bike height change slightly although not as much as expected.

I carried out the ESA Calibration on one helmet/Comfort and it gave the following readings;

Rear sensor position: 1075
Rear sensor maximum: 2400


Rear sensor position: 1098
Rear sensor maximum: 2415

So a slight difference but the biggest change is I can now get both feet flat on the floor at last! Fantastic!

Then I got to overthink everything like I normally do.

Was it best practice to carry out calibration in one helmet/Comfort mode?

I carried out the calibration with the bike on the centrestand- is that correct or should the bike be under its own weight while calibrating?

And if so with or without the rider sitting in it?

Also it was reporting [not available] for front sensor position and front sensor maximum but I’m assuming that is because there is no adjustable pre-load on the front.

Just wondering what the correct procedure should be and if the bike has to be stood under its own weight (with or without rider) or a different pre-load/damping setting was used while calibrating what effect would that have on ride height when stationary ie would the bike settle higher or lower post calibration?

Thanks & kind regards,