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Anyone use GS-911 diagnostics on linux? Through Crossover?

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--- Quote from: Waged3413 on October 11, 2023, 03:03:18 AM ---Very interesting!

You think it'll work in a VM install, too (VirtualBox), or only natively?

Crossover doesn't recognize that the GS-911 is plugged into a USB port when I try to install the diagnostics program there, so it seems like that's a no-go, at least on my system.

--- End quote ---

I run the older GS911 App on a VBox WInXP VM & use USB connection without issues, I have not set up a W7 VM for the new GS911 Diagnostics App as I have the other test systems with W7/W10 dual boot I use for a variety of purposes & use VNC into them rather than having to have kybd/mouse/monitors on them

Wish I could locate a copy of the older software.  I found the Win7 DVD, but it won't install into VirtualBox.  The installer complains about a missing driver.  The disc is slightly scratched in one area, so maybe it can't read.

So, all I have is an ANCIENT Vista machine which I mistakenly had recalled to be a Win8 machine (but it is not).


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