Author Topic: Switch between Lever type and Film type fuel sensors  (Read 15377 times)


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Switch between Lever type and Film type fuel sensors
« on: August 28, 2023, 06:37:09 PM »
Hi everyone,

I have also the problem with my film sensor for fuel. The main problem i have is the cloud aplications where you can switch between film or lever.
I try both, but the at the begin looks everything fine, but in one hour nothing happend. On the screen is only " Changing the ECU...".
If i stop the switching and look in the controler looks that the ZFE has changed the sensor type, but when i look real values for the sensor i have only in the heater voltage 0,01V everything else i zero.
By the Film must be Inductive fuel sensor Enable or disable???


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Re: Switch between Lever type and Film type fuel sensors
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2023, 12:12:32 PM »
I'm not expert at this, but if I understand you correctly, the switch from 'film/inductive' to 'lever' was made to the ZFE controller by GS-911?

If so, this alone will not solve the problem as the current values received from the sensor will not make sense to the ZFE.

You firstly need to do the pin change on the ZFE plugs.

Then you either need to fit a lever unit to the tank and modify the wiring/connector to connect to the lever type. If it's not possible to fit a lever type to the tank, you can fit a resistor across the relevant 2 pins of the existing wiring.

In the latter case you will of course not have actual correct fuel level displayed but you would have gotten rid of the flashing warnings.

If my assumptions are correct and you need more info on pin numbers to be swopped and resistor values, I can let you have what worked for me in terms of not being able to fit a lever type into the tank, but only to fit a resistor to fool the ZFE unit into not displaying warnings.

Good luck and keep us posted.

« Last Edit: August 29, 2023, 12:23:07 PM by Skim »


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Re: Switch between Lever type and Film type fuel sensors
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2023, 12:34:35 PM »

 No i dont want to install the lever, i repalced the film strip with the new one. I think i have now problem with the coding the ZFE.

 When i want change the coding the ZFE with GS 911 it takes a lot of time but nothing hapend.

 The second question was what is correct, because you can choose Lever or Film and Inductive fuel sensor Enable or Disable. My opinion is that by film strip sensor must be enable.


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Re: Switch between Lever type and Film type fuel sensors
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2023, 04:37:36 PM »
The way I understand, if you just replace a failed strip, you do no changes to the ZFE.

Thus 'inductive' should be enabled.

You only need to recalibrate the new strip outside the fuel tank using the GS-911, which you probably did.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2023, 04:51:11 PM by Skim »


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Re: Switch between Lever type and Film type fuel sensors
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2023, 09:18:37 AM »

 Ok, now i know when i have film sensor, inductive fuel sensor must be enable.

  Than the second point. I was trying to change the ZFE to lever, the GS 911 did something, but the procedure is not ending so far.

  Now i want to chnage back the ZFE to film and i try wit the GS 911 in infrastructure mode. The begin looks good, but after one hour i have stil on computer Canging ECU.. and this is it.
  How long takes the GS 911 software to change between lever and film. With te calibration of the new sensor was everything OK, but i think that my ZFE has still a wrong coding.
  What do i wrong that the procedure with the changing goes not to te end?


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Re: Switch between Lever type and Film type fuel sensors
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2023, 11:40:40 AM »
Unfortunately I cannot assist with your query.

I did the change from film to lever on my bike, which required the ZFE setting unit to be changed and it worked well. Process competed in 2 mins max, if that long.

If no other help arrives here, I suggest you contact the HEX team. Good luck.


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Re: Switch between Lever type and Film type fuel sensors
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2023, 01:00:54 PM »
you can ONLY move to a lever sensor if the bike has a ZFE High - aka a bike that came with ESA - it has additional logic programmed inside that is not there on the ZFE basic bikes

you also have to add more wires (better idea) or swap pin locations at the ZFE plug from strip to float inputs

a south american company is making an alternative better than BMW strip

a main issue trying to play with the strip is the error code only likes to clear if there is a working strip fitted to the bike.   There was no need to change the bike if it came with a strip and was getting a new strip - the calibration process can be done - but you don't code sensor type ever - I forget which is which but BMW naming is misleading and inductive sensor is usually the opposite to the one you think they meant

« Last Edit: September 01, 2023, 01:08:57 PM by botus »


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Re: Switch between Lever type and Film type fuel sensors
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2023, 02:48:37 PM »

So after a few weeks, i decide to go with the bike to the dealer. I load the bike on the trailer, for a 20 km and when i wanted to show them what is wrong there was no error more. That means that after a calibration and repalcement you must ride with the bike. Before that was the strip in the tank, full of gasoline fur sure more than a week and everytime whne i checked there was an error.
Also the GS 911 works good, the only thnigs that is happend in my case is that the procedure for change from strip to lever or from lever to strip was never ending with a message like by calibration that the procedure is done. Because i didnt get any message from GS 911 i thought that the change wasnt done succsefully.

So i learned something new.


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Re: Switch between Lever type and Film type fuel sensors
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2024, 11:20:13 AM »
I too have repeatedly had this problem. GS-911 WiFi June 12/24 update (although it did it last year multiple times with the previous update as well) It doesn't matter on what bike or platform. It happens with iPad, Mac, Windows PC There appears to be a software bug or some other issue. I successfully re-pinned the ZFE and switched via film to lever six months ago. However the float set up was not near as accurate as a strip. With the new improved BMW strip, as well as the FuelSensorTech strips, I decided to change back to film sensor. I re-pinned the ZFE back to OEM config -i'm very experienced at this I've done it on a number of bikes) verified zero resistance for all four strip sensor wires from CFE connector to fuel pump. As the OP stated, when you initiate the configuration change from lever to film, and follow instructions precisely, every time the GS 911 interface ask you to turn off the ignition, it gives the command "please wait before turning on ignition". The bar graph then countdown from 100% to approximately 40 to 50% once the ignition is off. It then hangs up there for hours and nothing happens. I made absolutely sure the 911 is not going into sleep mode and have a charger connected full-time always showing 13+ volts. I even left a PC set to never sleep on it overnight and the process never completes, as soon as you turn the ignition on or refresh the page, you get an error code and you never know if the recoding is complete. I then have the same problems as OP: fuel strip will not calibrate no matter what. (Two different strips are brand new and yes they are dry outside the tank and at room temperature)  Get a constant  "calibration error", strip real time values are all zeros except for 1MA Fuel Strip heater current. Bike does not recognize the strip at all. 2008 R 1200 RT. 100 mile ride with the strip with varying levels of fuel made absolutely no difference. Get constant "fuel level sensor implausible value" error.

I debrief this problem to the helpdesk last year as far as the fuel center configuration change function hanging up. Well it's still does it, again on all platforms, it appears that the coding change is not taking place in the ZFE. They ask you to turn the ignition off and to wait to turn it on and then nothing happens. All I know is my bike was working fine before as far as fuel sensor goes and now it does not appear to recognize any strip. Importantly: when I connect either of the brand new strips outside the tank to a 2009 R 1200 GS, the strips will calibrate immediately and real time values will all read normally. The problem appears to lie in the configuration lever to film function of the GS 911. Again I have double checked continuity and zero resistance between all four pins on both ends so it's not the bike. It feels like the coding was wiped and will not come back when I switch from lever to strip as the application just hangs. Any ideas? Any other experiences like the original poster; I'm crossing my fingers that maybe eventually it'll come back as was the case with him; I will debrief to hex desk. I have seen multiple others in different threads with the same problem and why it's still does it is a mystery to me. Unable to attach photos sorry for the long descriptions.