Author Topic: PC USB vs wifi purchase decision help  (Read 19173 times)


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PC USB vs wifi purchase decision help
« on: June 06, 2019, 06:02:25 PM »
I have a 2001 r1150 gs and a 2016 r1200r. It seems that the PC version is easier to use and may have more functions than the wifi version. True?  I have a PC laptop but it is a 15" and I don't want to have to pack it on long trips. If I buy the PC version is there a way to use it on trips without bringing my laptop? If not, then do people who buy the PC version only intend to use it at home/business and then purchase the wifi version to have for emergency use on their trips?


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Re: PC USB vs wifi purchase decision help
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2019, 08:38:52 PM »
It is not a matter of PC version and WiFi version.  The yellow GS911 communicates via Bluetooth, but is a "dumb" unit, ie it has no built in software.  The GS911 WiFi (red unit) communicates via WiFi and has all the functionality built in.  It can thus accessed from any web browser without the need for extra software.  Once accessed though, the PC app can still be used.

Bear in mind though that it utilises cloud services for many of the functions other than straight forward diagnostics.  Many of the smartphones have a restriction on external connections, so once a connection is established to the gs911, you sacrifice your connection to the web.  Cloud services will therefore not be available.

For the 2016 R1200R though, the red WiFi version will be required.


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Re: PC USB vs wifi purchase decision help
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2019, 09:11:44 PM »
Thanks for the clarification and especially for the info re WiFi version needed for my 2016 r1200r. Sounds like if you’re at home it’s simpler to use the laptop. Any recs on what vendor to purchase from?