Author Topic: US politics - no such thing just a global mess up  (Read 136 times)


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US politics - no such thing just a global mess up
« on: July 26, 2024, 11:40:39 AM »
well it says discuss anything and everything - as you don't have much longer to find out - thought I'd splil the beans on your limited future.....

I see the new King of USA has arrived for you to pay homage too - that evil war criminal needs executing

you live in a the biggest mess up in human history - and its all coming from the marketeers that have been peddling lies to USA citizens since forever, and it seems many still don't get it

180 years ago a conspiracy to take over the world was put in play - basically elite UK and Germans wanted it all, but needed support of some crooks who understood how to fiddle the maths and sell the lies - as they faked loads of wars, deaths, economic and climate collapse, mostly with USA as the fall guy, we are very close to your end game

don't forget the mess they were TOLD to make in all these places and plenty more

spanish flue - out of fort detrick USA
multiple ongoing efforts on Russia
covid - manged out of fort detrick but just in case marketed as out of china
now starting in anger on much of africa

obviously plenty of back stabbing, conniving and more crooks dabbling misery into the mess, but the accountants got more and more fingers in the pie - with UK getting caught agreeing with hilter to calm down the other element, these accountants used connections, black mail and deviancy to entrap these sick elites until they have gained power and influence to such an extent we now have a mega war machine plotting to kill you...

NATO stands for the North Atlantic States of Ixxxxx - a certain country that lies lots, murders many and pitches lies like no other - as they own every media and movie studio and most humans act like lemmings its not been that hard to do it

why not go onTikToK to see everything above is fictitious and the world and your future has never been better