OK, understood re network
In terms of understanding the GS911 WiFi, think of it as 2 tools in one, when connecting via USB and using the PC App it is just like any non WiFi GS911, the intelligence is in the PC App with the GS911 acting as a "dumb" interface. When accessing it via a web browser the GS911 is a different tool using the intelligence in the GS911 WiFi firmware bolstered by the cloud services for maintenance functions
Re the ABS not initialising fully, I am aware of circumstances where the ABS may not be seen by the BMW Dealer Diags system but can be seen by the GS911, in one instance I am aware of it was a faulty wheel sensor stopping the ABS initialisation and another was a wiring fault to the dash lamp, both problems really should not have caused the problem but for some reason did so
It is best to see what Hexcode say in answer to the support ticket when they are in the office later today