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Howdy from Austin!
Its a Netgear Nighthawk R8500
No expense spare I see ;D, have not encountered that model so cant comment on it specifically but since it appears the guest network seems to indicate IP No allocation perhaps you could use the WiFi utility to confirm it is allocated then you know it is simply configuration of the router or perhaps the Active Directory. I would be looking at the router logs and see what they have to say. The Active Directory system should also have some reasonably detailed logs to show the IP No allocation if it is doing the IP allocation
After a fare amount of testing, it appears that my GS-911 will not connect to a wifi router using WPA2-PSK security. When I disable wifi security, connection takes 15 to 30 seconds. If I enable wifi security, the device will never connect. No bueno!
Which encryption type are you using AES or TKIP ? or is the router set for auto ?
That appears to be the cause. Since the router handles 802.11 N, apparently, it uses AES by default to increase wireless network speeds. When I could not connect, the network was set to WPA2-PSK [AES]. I changed it to WPA-PSK [TKIP] + WPA2-PSK [AES] and I was able to connect with a password. WayneC, thanks for this great catch!
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