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Another Newbie from the Netherlands
Inspector Gadget:
That link has been predominantly present in the past of the landing page of the HexCode website, but I guess it is no longer that bigga issue any more, perhaps? (I do not know, of course!)
In the Netherlands there were a few companies who offered the Chinese counterfeit (and bad working) copy for a few months, last year on a popular Dutch website.
Together with HexCode's official Benelux distributor I tried to stop them but could little else then report on it, as only the official vendor (HexCode in this case) could take formal action in corporation with the Dutch police.
But a few months later they were gone, I guess too many complaints about these counterfeit versions. Good riddance!
Unfortunately, these are not the only counterfeit products coming our way, nowadays.
Looking at programs such as BBC WatchDog where even counterfeit brake pads had been discovered. And counterfeit parts for airplanes too! :o
I only buy my parts from trusted sources, but that is apparently no longer a 100% guarantee, nowadays.
Thank you-
"We" all benefit if people buy the real GS911!
Inspector Gadget:
I agree, we all benefit, a clear win-win situation.
And I strongly believe we all, in the end, build the GS911 by using it and by providing feedback. What we like and want, and equally important, what we do not like or miss/seek.
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