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Using IPad to Log File

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 I want to record a Log File for a 2015 BMW R1200RT while everything is working normally, using a GS911 WiFi model. I want to then be able to refer back to that Log File when everything isn't working normally.  Problem is I do not own a PC nor am I willing to buy one just for this purpose. Can I use an iPad to log this file? If not, is there a workaround solution? I've heard of possibly Logging the file to the Cloud and then accessing it from there. Does mean I have to pay for Cloud storage fees as well?
Then what if the Cloud loses my file?

Thanks in advance for any help anyone might have!


Save the file to your iPad and then upload it to the cloud services provider of your choice, Google, Apple or whoever and use their spreadsheet app to view it

Thank you for the reply. Could I save the file to the
iPad and use Apple's spreadsheet Numbers to open,
view and save it?

Have not looked at the Apple App, the answer is simple though, give it a try

Real time values are stored in CSV format except Hexcode uses ; instead of , as the delimiter.  At least it was that way last time I tried which was quite a while ago.  I had to first use a text editor to find and replace ; -> , before I could load the file into Numbers.   I was disappointed that Numbers could not handle the ; delimiter as it is quite common.

I don't remember how I got the values to my Mac.


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