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Error Messages

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I didn't know here to put this since there doesn't seem to be a folder for these questions:

I am getting Error Messages the odd time and I have included screen shots. By "odd time" I can do an AutoScan and it'll give me an AutoScan Report and then I can try several times and get the Error Messages shown. Then it'll work again. Go figure.

I registered my GS-911 WiFi well over a week ago, yet I get this message telling me that This interface has not been registered yet. Please register it before continuing.

In fact, I have an email dated 2016-07-28 from GS-911 registrar:
Dear (my first and last name)

Thank you for registering your GS-911wifi interface: GS1 006 814.

Also while performing an AutoScan, I get the following two Error Messages...

Timeout while receiving data

Invalid response received from interface

Here is another one while in the Anti-Lock Brake Controller...

Failed to read fault codes: Timeout while receiving data

The error messages suggest a PC problem, what is the PC ? Windows Version etc

I would also use the WiFi interface and confirm whether there were vehicle communication errors when using it to confirm the cause of the errors

When you indicate you have registered the GS911, which method did you use ?, have you tried registering it via the PC App ?


--- Quote from: WayneC on August 12, 2016, 03:21:43 AM ---The error messages suggest a PC problem, what is the PC ? Windows Version etc
--- End quote ---

I am using a HP laptop running Windows 10. If it matters, it is the same one I use with my other two diagnostic issues.

--- Quote from: WayneC on August 12, 2016, 03:21:43 AM ---I would also use the WiFi interface and confirm whether there were vehicle communication errors when using it to confirm the cause of the errors
--- End quote ---

If you mean do I get the Error Messages when connected via WiFi or USB, I'll get back to you on that tomorrow.

--- Quote from: WayneC on August 12, 2016, 03:21:43 AM ---When you indicate you have registered the GS911, which method did you use ?, have you tried registering it via the PC App ?
--- End quote ---

I followed the instructions on the sheet. I used the GS-911 WiFi Untility V1510.3  (Edited to add:I just upgraded to 1607.2 a few minutes ago)

Thanks Wayne for helping out.

OK, understood, you seem to have ruled out PC problems and the registration process you used rules out another thought I had

Check what happens with connecting via WiFi first but I think it may be worthwhile lodging a support ticket with Hexcode so they are aware of the problem


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